

•     为shamood进军日本市场而设计的车载出风口固体香水,属于系列化产品中的自然派系列。独特的大眼睛造型,形似外星人但灵感取自于自然,充满着自然界的神秘与内敛。结构设计为分体拆装,便于固体香水的更换使用;两侧可抽出的高亮金属弧面香水托,搭配细腻的磨砂前面板,让精巧的固体香水更显品质感;整体造型优雅内敛又不失独特个性,彰显外在稳重内在燃情的无限魅力。

•     Alien is a solid vehicle-mounted air-outlet perfume designed to send SHAMOOD into the Japanese market; it belongs to the nature product series. Alien, with a pair of unique eyes, is inspired by nature which is both mysterious and introvert; it looks quite like that alien from outer spaces. Alien can be disassembled to replace the solid perfume inside; the highly polished curve metal sheet is on both sides and for holding solid perfume; the dull polished front panel can make the delicate solid perfume more elegant; the integral outlook is graceful, inclusive but full of personality, emphasizing the infinite charm inside and the trustworthiness outside.

 服务内容        设计研究  造型设计  平面设计
SERVISE      Graphic Design , Style Design , Rearch Design

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